
Sepsis is a serious blood infection that, when left untreated, can lead to catastrophic health events or even death. Sepsis can affect anyone at any age, but the risk is higher in the elderly and could be the result of nursing home negligence.

Symptoms and Stages of Sepsis

Sepsis is categorized into three different stages, each of which health professionals aim to identify for effective treatment. When caught early, sepsis can be treated and the chances for survival increase greatly.

First Stage Sepsis

This stage of sepsis is usually referred to as just “sepsis” and includes the following symptoms:

  • High fever above 101.3 degrees Fahrenheit or a low temperature below 95 degrees Fahrenheit

  • A heart rate that is higher than 90 beats per minute

  • A respiration rate that is greater than 20 breaths per minute

  • Confirmation or likelihood of present infection

Second Stage Sepsis

This stage of sepsis is usually referred to as “severe sepsis” and includes the following symptoms:

  • Difficulty breathing (labored or strained)

  • Abdominal pain

  • Heart pumping abnormalities

  • Decrease in urine output

  • Rapid change in mental state

Third Stage Sepsis

This stage is the most severe stage of sepsis and is referred to as “septic shock.” It exhibits the following symptoms:

  • The symptoms of stage one and two of sepsis

  • Extreme drop in blood pressure

If you or a loved one are experiencing any of the symptoms of sepsis listed above, it is absolutely critical that you seek immediate medical attention. If symptoms are severe, contact 911 right away. 

Sepsis and Nursing Home Negligence

Sepsis is often caused by complications that occur with an infection, most commonly pneumonia, abdominal infections, kidney infections, and infections in the bloodstream. It may also occur as a result of infections caused by or correlated with bedsores or pressure ulcers.

Nursing homes and other long-term care facilities are responsible for properly treating infections to prevent sepsis, as well as identifying signs of sepsis and providing early treatment whenever necessary. Failure to do any of these things could constitute negligence. Nursing home negligence is a serious matter that can lead to dangerous consequences for the elderly. If your loved one experienced sepsis or septic shock in a nursing home, you may be entitled to bring a claim for compensation.

Nursing Home Sepsis & Shock Lawyers

Our nursing home sepsis lawyers work with a team of paralegals, medical experts, nurses, and investigators to help build strong cases and prepare for litigation if necessary. Our goal is to obtain justice on behalf of you or your loved one and hold negligent nursing homes accountable.

Call us today at 1-833-3-DIGNITY to speak with an experienced nursing home abuse lawyer regarding your case. We serve clients anywhere in the United States. Have more questions? Check out our FAQ page or contact us today to learn more.